2. Secondly you need to enter the primary data: vehicle, users, drivers, warehouse balances, service reminders, etc.
3. Download the mobile app for drivers. This will allow, on the one hand, to reduce the burden on transportation managers and, on the other hand, the driver will always have an electronic service book at hand. The driver is a very important figure in the overall fleet management system. He makes all the travel expenses, conducts electronic technical inspections, receives reminders about the need for vehicle maintenance. There are a printed version and a video version of the driver's manual. Everything is written in the simplest possible language step by step.
4. Carry out free integrations with third-party services. For example, you can automatically receive and summarize data on refueling (data is loaded from the LC of the fuel card processing service) or to control locations of electronic inspections and to compare the odometer and mileage readings using the GPS tracker. Having integrated devices you can reduce manual work by up to 70%.
5. Record all expenses, perform maintenance and repairs using the system tools. No software product works without the participation of people.
What expenses can be taken into account in Zavgar Online? What indicators form cost operation?
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