Vehicle Inspections Software

Software for fleet management for fleet managers

Reminds about the time of maintenance and renewal of documents
Reduces hand work up to 80%
Helps take decisions based on figures
Introduction expenses: 0$
Suitable for businesses of all sizes
Installation of additional equipment is not required
Access to the system from any device
access from smartphone

Watch a video about the Zavgar Online system

What is fleet management?
This question seems to be simple but the majority of fleet managers cannot give a clear answer. Unfortunately, absence of knowledge in this sphere and reluctance to study led to the fact that the process and the operation rules are behind time. We should say:
"It is impossible to remember everything"
Automation and robotization have become main assistants of any specialist in the XXI century. They take upon themselves everyday routine tasks and give the opportunity to live without stresses and the blame game.

As a fleet manager you know the following problems, surely:

Untimely maintenance
Сроки и виды технического обслуживания
I cannot find suppliers' contacts
Пока не ломается, техосмотр не проводится
You do not remember where spare parts were bought and their articles
Отсутствует какая либо программа учета ТО и ремонта
Expired insurance policies
Процесс технического обслуживания не воспринимается серьезно
A driver wrote about the problem but we got better things to do
Процесс технического обслуживания не воспринимается серьезно
The managers do not understand the volume of their work
Процесс технического обслуживания не воспринимается серьезно

There are little or nothing wizards among us.
Most likely you have used the following to solve these problems:

Records on paper are the common practice
The log
Пломбирование заливной горловины
A popular automation tool
It's a solution, but it's pretty basic. The current head of the transport department is a man who keeps up with the times, a man who proves his effectiveness not in words, but in deeds. Proves his competence by numbers. Such a manager is much more expensive in the labor market and can communicate with top managers and business owners in their language. From the direct participant of the system. The operator becomes the observer and mentor, and a portion of the savings in the company will always go to increasing the income.

Returning to the original question about efficient fleet management

Constant work to reduce cost per kilometer of every vehicle

Suitable for businesses of all sizes

Timely maintenance but not repair

Suitable for businesses of all sizes
The experince of a large number of companies around the world is:

Selection of the most efficient parts on the basis of their life

Suitable for businesses of all sizes

Motivation of drivers for safe and economical driving

Suitable for businesses of all sizes

Receipt of key figures concerning the fleet by a double click

Suitable for businesses of all sizes

Zavgar.Online is software for effective fleet management

Online repair and maintenance
Формирование правильной формы путевого лица
Real service history
Единое занесерие разных объектов
Tire accounting
Хранение информации в базе данных
Control of pre-trial checks
Доступное мобильное приложение
Reminders concerning maintenance and renewal of documents
Наладить документооборот
Summarized reports and their receipt
Сверка информации по gps мониторингу
Its key benefits for those responsible for transport operations
Scans of documents for all vehicles in your smartphone
Доступное мобильное приложение
Dashboards with key figures runtime
Наладить документооборот
Warehouse of spare parts given for a vehicle
Сверка информации по gps мониторингу

All managers like counting money. What are results of the companies using Zavgar.Online?

Reduction of downtime up to 90%
Воровство запчастей
Прстой транспорта из-за отсутствия запчастей на складе
Reduction of fuel expenses up to 30%
The total economic effect reaches 30% of operation cost. Calculate the sum of potential savings for your company!
It's worth it, surely.
Reduction of expenses for spare parts and repair up to 30%
Воровство запчастей
Прстой транспорта из-за отсутствия запчастей на складе
Digitalization and savings of time up to 50%

Reducing operation costs by 10-40%

Control of operation costs
Suitable for businesses of all sizes
Reduction of operation cost by 10-40%
Prevention of road accidents due to timely maintenance
access from smartphone

Start managing right now!

What does look Zavgar.Online web version like?

This is a cloud (SAAS) solution. You should not install any equipment or software.
A simple interface for entering data, integrations minimize manager's work

What modules are included in Zavgar.Online?

Maintenance automation
Формирование правильной формы путевого лица
Force majeure
Единое занесерие разных объектов
Accounting for all fuel purchase costs
Хранение информации в базе данных
Daily inspections of equipment
Доступное мобильное приложение
Maintenance reminders
Наладить документооборот
Repair Orders
Сверка информации по gps мониторингу
Purchasing and Suppliers
Доступное мобильное приложение
Monitoring of fines
Наладить документооборот
Warehouse (Spare parts and material)
Сверка информации по gps мониторингу
Волна 2

Start managing your fleet right now

Free. No limits. No installation of additional equipment
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