Fleet Management Software All in One

Stand alone software, free trial

FMS система управление корпоративным автопарком

Helps to keep track of all vehicle maintenance costs

fleet managment software

Can calculate the running cost per km for each vehicle

Reminds you of the vehicle maintenance requirements

Fleet with any number of cars

The advantages of our vehicle fleet management system

Efficient for any fleet size
Works 24\7 without breaks and weekends
Manage your fleet from anywhere
Manage your fleet from anywhere
fms система которая работает 24 часа
Difficulties of management
High cost
word texts
Losses due to untimely maintenance
ecxel tables

What drawbacks do similar systems have?

Fuel theft

What tools are used by 96% of companies to manage maintenance and repair?

No spare parts standardization
For hard copies
Interface with other platforms
Ease of use
Ease of use
Thousands of companies across many industries use Zavgar.Online. From Forbs listed giants to micro businesses with one vehicle.
You can try it for free.
zavgar online map
Fuel Control
One of the main tasks of the module is fuel control. Due to integration with all popular fuel suppliers and the monitoring system, Zavgar.Online allows you to track the amount of fuel purchased and actually entered the tank. Upon identifying any fuel shortages, we will notify all responsible parties via push notifications in the mobile app, emails, and by highlighting all questionable refueling instances within the program's interface. Another useful feature of the "Fuel" module is the monitoring of the average consumption of equipment. It allows you to see the standard consumption rate and the actual amount spent in a single report.

Thanks to integration with fuel suppliers, you will receive a detailed report on the number of liters refueled and the cost for each piece of equipment.
Daily inspections of equipment
Zavgar Online allows you to set a maintenance schedule for each vehicle, notifies you when maintenance is needed, and tracks the work. The application allows you to enter information about malfunctions and request vehicle repairs. Fleet managers can monitor the repair status, receive notifications upon completion, and keep track of repair costs.

Additionally, the "Service" module can provide analytical information on the condition of vehicles and maintenance and repair costs. Receive reports on the number of services performed, expenses for parts and labor, analyze trends, and identify potential issues with the fleet's technical condition.
Daily inspections of equipment
Thanks to the precise location description feature for warehouse items, the program allows for unlimited expansion of the inventory. You can stock the warehouse with new tires, consumables, technical fluids, tools, spare parts, and additional accessories. Such scaling does not require increasing the staff. The Zavgar Online inventory management system ensures quick searches by name or part number.

It is possible to optimize the work of the mechanic, storekeeper and supply department with the help of the system of requests for spare parts orders based on automatic algorithms. By automating the data collection process, it becomes possible to address the issue of tracking small-item inventories, which typically require a significant number of actions.
Daily inspections of equipment
This module allows you to create custom inspection templates and record inspection data for each vehicle in the fleet. Operators can specify the inspection date, mileage, condition of various components and systems of the vehicle, as well as note observations and recommendations, among other things. All this information is stored in a database and can be easily accessed for review and analysis.

This significantly simplifies and accelerates the process of tracking vehicle conditions. The inspection module enables quick and accurate recording of information, and allows for the use of this data in decision-making and maintenance planning. This helps reduce the risk of malfunctions, enhances safety, and optimizes fleet maintenance costs.
Daily inspections of equipment
In this module you can get complete information on your entire fleet and generate any report, and if the required template is missing, you can create your own report form specifically for your needs. The mileage and fuel consumption report will provide information on the total mileage of the vehicles over a specific period, as well as calculate the average fuel consumption per kilometer traveled. Additionally, the vehicle condition report will offer insights into the current status of each vehicle in the fleet, including details on mileage, maintenance, repairs, and parts replacements.

You will be able to schedule regular car maintenance, and the application will remind you of the need for timely repairs or replacement of consumables.
Daily inspections of equipment
Set reminders, integrate seamlessly, and transfer your data into the system with just a few clicks. Connect vehicle monitoring to receive detailed information about the condition of your entire fleet. Oversee the careful use of vehicles by your drivers and monitor fuel consumption to protect yourself from accidents, breakdowns, and fuel theft.

Check out the full functionality of the program in our quick tour of the system.
What else?
Модуль работы с шинами
Модуль для учёта топлива
What modules are included in Zavgar.Online?


Unlimited objects
Unlimited users
Free mobile app
"Issues" Module
Manual Service Entries & Tasks
Odometer & Fuel Entries
"Additional Costs" Module
"Inspections" Module
"Travels" Module
"Suppliers" Module
GPS location tracking
30 days free
690₽ за 1 ТС
$8 per 1 car
For educational institutions
If you wish to use the Zavgar Online app for educational purposes or as a teaching aid, please contact us, and we will grant you full access to all the app's features completely free of charge!
30 days free
"Service Programs" Module
"Imports" Module
Integration of fuel cards
Integration with GPS
Parts & Inventory Management
"Work Orders" Module
"Tires" Module
$5 per 1 car
Путевые листы
От 250₽
Ведение путевых листов для внутреннего и внешнего учета. Автоматическое заполнение путевых листов на базе телематики.
Доп. интеграции
100₽ за 1 ТС
Если нужного топливного поставщика нет в системе, мы можем подключить вашего поставщика.
Удаленные помощники
1000₽ час
Не хватает времени или сотрудников на полноценное ведение учета по вашему автопарку? Мы сделаем это за вас. Удаленный помощник будет вносить данные в систему и выполнять ваши запросы по ведению статистики и учету транспорта.
Unlimited objects
Unlimited users
Free mobile app
"Issues" Module
Manual Service Entries & Tasks
Odometer & Fuel Entries
"Additional Costs" Module
"Inspections" Module
"Travels" Module
Service Reminders
Unlimited objects
Unlimited users
Free mobile app
"Issues" Module
Manual Service Entries & Tasks
Odometer & Fuel Entries
"Additional Costs" Module
"Inspections" Module
"Travels" Module
"Service Programs" Module
"Imports" Module
Integration of fuel cards
Integration with GPS
Parts & Inventory Management
"Work Orders" Module
"Tires" Module
"Suppliers" Module
Service Reminders
"Suppliers" Module
Service Reminders

You can increase your profits up to 50% using our platform because Zavgar.Online is the most advanced fleet management tool.

Zavgar.Online is a cloud-based on fleet management service. The algorithm of our program will make visible for you every vehicle of the fleet. Now you can say goodbye to old hand-written logs and Excel. We guaranteed to reduce running costs, per km, for each commercial vehicle.

Zavgar Blog

In this article we will make a comparison between Fleetrun and Zavgar Online products
The client is our friend. Friends should not be left high and dry. We need real measures, so we are introducing unprecedented conditions.
Transport department of almost any company is a biggest expense item. Zavgar Online takes into account all maintenance costs
Why it is important to calculate ownership cost? The formula for calculating the cost of 1 km. (miles) of vehicle mileage.
Why is there a technical downtime of vehicles? Problems and solutions
Read about cloud software to manage your fleet remotely

Our mobile app

You can download the application from the links for phones based on Android and iOS operating systems