Full cycle control, from the application for vehicle repairs to the completion of work.
Separate accounting of costs for auto parts and work, complete service history of the fleet
Reduction of vehicle service repair costs
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Digital Work Orders

Zero implementation costs
Does not require additional equipment (GPS, sensors, etc.)
Access to the system from any device (smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.)
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Repair of equipment is a large costly part of any company that operates equipment. The dependence on the exchange rate, as well as the high cost of vehicle downtime, force managers to resort to new ways of managing the repair process. There has long been a proven method - a vehicle operation log. It included all the costs of maintenance, repair, purchase of spare parts, etc. To one degree or another, this method worked
What are its main disadvantages of a paper vehicle operation log?
  • 1
    Complete lack of transparency for management
  • 2
    Human factor (forgot, on vacation, quit, etc.)
  • 3
    Theft of spare parts is not excluded
  • 4
    Lack of preventive inspections and maintenance
  • 5
    All processes are tied to one person
  • 6
    Paper media default fault
This is the age of information technology, automation and manual reduction. Almost all programs that improve business processes have been moved to the 'cloud'. It's convenient, efficient, and incredibly reliable. Programs are automatically updated and supported, do not require installation, and to access them, any device with an Internet connection is enough. Transportation divisions of companies have long been among the laggards when it comes to automation. Then the first part of automation appeared - the GPS vehicle monitoring system. The management of the company, the dispatcher, etc. employees got access to information on the real movement of equipment, speed limits, drains, refueling, etc. The main disadvantage of such a system is only that it covers only a small layer of tasks of managers in the field of transport. Making management decisions based on data from GPS is very difficult.
Company management must have 2-5 KPI (key performance indicator) by which it is possible to assess the quality of the transport unit. If the indicator doesn't meet expectations, you can fall further into the monitoring system. A key indicator of the quality of the transport unit is the cost of 1 mile of track. It's by the dynamics of this picture that one can understand the real picture.
What are the cost categories of the operating cost indicator (1 mile track)?
  • Auto parts, consumables and technical fluids
  • Fuel
  • Repair and service
  • Fines, toll roads, parking
  • Insurance, admissions, etc.
  • Other additional costs (accommodation, meals, parking, etc.)
According to statistics, the cost of servicing and repairing equipment is one of the most voluminous and the lack of control leads to an increase in the cost of operation and long downtime. For a long time, there were no inexpensive and adequate solutions on the market for automating the process of service repairs.
Having identified this problem, we created a solution - the Zavgar Online software package
What modules does it consist of to organize the process of accounting for vehicle repairs?
  • Prompt collection of problems from drivers
  • Spare parts ordering, inventory control
  • Formation of a repair request
  • Work orders. Control of the timing of work
  • Automatic setting of service reminders
  • Reports. Detailed analysis of each case and the company as a whole
Decrease in operating costs from 10 to 40%
  • Control of operating costs
  • Prevention of emergencies through timely maintenance
  • Service book online
What does the Zavgar.Online system look like?
This is a cloud-based (SAAS) solution, you do not need to install any equipment on the equipment and any software on your computer to work. A simple interface for entering data, a large number of integrations, reduce the work of a transport manager to a minimum. The human factor is reduced, the most important thing is released - time
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